Country name:  TURKEY
Turkish Employment Service, which is in charge of supporting activities of maintaining, developing employment and preventing unemployment and carrying out unemployment insurance services, steers its activities in line with the vision of “Determining the needs of the market through an efficient labour market information system, matching labour supply and demand as per those needs, facilitating, protecting and increasing employment by means of labour programmes, developing vocational skills, providing those who have lost their jobs with temporary income support and developing and realising employment-related measures in social dialogue”.

Aiming at creating more and decent work opportunities as the focus of all of its activities, İŞKUR carries on its activities in line with the vision of being a leading institution in the field of public employment services that increase employment with measures which are decisive in labour market policies, efficient, innovative, rational, sustainable and inclusive in fight against unemployment within the framework of technological transformation.
  • To support activities of establishing national employment policy and protecting and developing employment and preventing unemployment, and to carry out unemployment insurance operations,
  • To collect, analyse and evaluate labour market data on local and national basis and publish them, to establish the Labour Market Information Advisory Board and coordinate the works of the Board, to make the labour needs analyses, to have these analyses done in order to determine labour supply and demand,
  • To make job and vocational analyses, to have these analyses done, to render job and vocational counselling, to have these services rendered, to develop and implement labour force training programmes, vocational training programmes and labour force adjustment programmes in order to increase the employability of labour force, to hold education seminars for the labour force in employment,
  • To carry out studies in order to arrange employee and job seeking, to mediate for domestic and abroad job placements of labour force, to find eligible labour force for various jobs and sign abroad labour contracts, to contribute to the employment of labour force which is difficult to employ and labour force which the employers have to employ legally, to fulfil the duties assigned to the Agency related to private employment offices, to carry out the procedures related to the employer’s supply of workers whom they will employ in their workplaces abroad and procedures related to giving and revoking the authorisation of mediation of finding paid jobs and workers in agricultural works,
  • By participating in the tenders in field of activity of the Agency, to render training and counselling services to local and international institutions and organisations.
  • To monitor the decisions of the European Union and international organisations concerning labour force, employment and working life, to implement the bilateral and multilateral agreements, contracts and recommendations which Republic of Turkey is a party of and fall into Agency’s remit,
  • To perform the duties derived from the legislation of the Ministry and to be carried out in the provinces.
İŞKUR, which performed its activities from 1946 to 2003 under its former name as “Turkish Job Placement Agency”, entered into a rapid renewal and transformation process in 2003 by changing its name, mission and modus operandi. Through this renewal process, in addition to performing its standard job placement and employment services, İŞKUR was restructured to be able to carry out active and passive labour policies effectively by means of monitoring labour market consistently. In terms of organisation levels, İŞKUR is comprised of a Headquarter and Provincial Directorates. General Directorate at the central level shares its authority of executing Agency’s activities at the local level with Provincial Directorates of Labour and Employment Agency and Service Centres attached to these directorates. In addition to this, İŞKUR delivers its services with its 7537 employees, 505 of whom work at the Directorate General and 8032 work at the provincial directorates. 3879 of the employees working at the provincial directorates serve as job and vocational counsellors. In terms of institutional level, İŞKUR, which is an affiliated institution of the Ministry of Labour, Social Services and Family, is composed of four main bodies which are the General Assembly, Managing Board, Directorate General and Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Boards. The mentioned units work in tandem with each other. İŞKUR, as a legal entity, has autonomy in terms of administration and finance.
The agency, named as İŞKUR, is an affiliated institution of the Ministry of Labour, Social Services and Family and a public agency which is subject to the provisions of private law, vested with legal entity and autonomous in administrative and financial terms.
İŞKUR is composed of four main bodies as General Assembly, Managing Board, Directorate General and Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Boards.
The General Assembly not only supports formation of national employment policies aligned with economic and social policies of the state and evaluates the developments in the policies implemented within a period but also supports activities for maintaining, developing employment and preventing unemployment while making recommendations.
The Managing Board evaluates fund resources under the market conditions, has the fund revenues and expenditures audited and enables that the audit reports are publicly announced, has the fund related actuarial projections made, monitors and records daily fund movements and keeps accounts of these movements based on the generally accepted accounting standards.
The Directorate General is composed of the central and provincial organisation. Director General, the top manager of the Agency, carries out all tasks through the decisions of the managing board in line with the legislation by considering recommendations of the general assembly as well.
On the purpose of determining the need for labour force, employment and vocational training and having it determined, and of increasing effectiveness and efficiency in vocational training and employment to be realised in vocational and technical schools, training institutions and enterprises, the Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Boards operate at the local level to create policies, make plans, take decisions and present opinions and recommendations to the relevant institutions and organisations.
Role of social partners is very important in determining and implementing the policies of the Agency. Three of four main organs of the Agency are composed of social stakeholders. General Assembly and Managing Board in the centre and Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Boards at the local level have a democratic and participatory structure in which social partners have right to say. At these boards; problems regarding the Turkish labour market and policies and solution offers for those problems are negotiated together with organisations of workers, employers, professions and public sector, and they are concluded.
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