OBJECTIVES | |||||||||
Employment Service of Slovenia (ESS) has the following key strategic objectives:
TASKS | |||||||||
Central Office - responsible
for ensuring uniform support, professional development and efficient implementation
of all activities throughout the organisation, including back-office support.
Regional Offices (12) - responsible for operational planning of the regional activities; organisation and allocation of available staff between local offices and careers centres to ensure optimal service delivery to all clients; monitoring of activities and employment situation and trends; cooperation with employers and other stakeholders at regional and local levels, including the organisation of different events (e.g. employment and careers fairs, mini-job fairs) and partnership-based activities (e.g. projects, promotion of work integration of vulnerable groups); communication with media, etc. Local Offices (59) - operating within the 12 Regional Offices, they are responsible for ensuring direct access to the services and support to all clients. The Employment Service of Slovenia (ESS) is a public institution with tripartite Administrative Council. The ESS delivers its services autonomously but according to different national laws and documents adopted by the Government. The annual financial framework related to the ESS operational costs, investments, unemployment benefit scheme and ALMP are defined by the Ministry of Labour. According to this framework, the ESS Management elaborates the annual business plan. During the year, the changes of the annual plan could be proposed, but they have to be based on evidences and have to remain within the given financial framework. |
The ESS can make proposals concerning ALMPs as well as services and legislative provisions to the Ministry of Labour, but the final decisions are made by the Ministry. A special Annual Contract with the Ministry sets out the ESS tasks for the year, the structure of the ESS budget, number of staff, etc. The ESS Management is responsible for setting the development strategies and annual planning, for the implementation of plans and for the reporting to the Ministry on a regular basis. |
The ESS has tripartite Administrative Council with the representatives from the employers’ associations, Trade Union organizations and the Government. The ESS employees have their own representative. The Administrative Council adopts the annual ESS business plan, monitor its realization and provide recommendations and proposals to the ESS Management.
The ESS Management operates at the Central level and consists of Director General, Deputy Director General and Field Directors. The ESS Management and Directors of Regional Offices represent the ESS Management Board. Director General is apponited by the Government. |
Representatives form employers associations and representatives from the Trade Union organisations are members of the ESS Administrative Council. According to the law and Council’s Rules of Procedures they contribute to the ESS management trough the process of the adoption of ESS annual business plan, the surveilence of its realisation and the annual evaluation of performance of Director General and Deputy Director General. Trough the Administrative Council the social partners can provide recommendations and proposals to the Minstry of Labour and the Govrnment. |