CPESSEC organises a wide
variety of projects. Here you find a short
description of our projectss.
Improving active labor markets in Bosnia and Herzegovina Project type: Services Project Budget: 1,200,000 euros. Project location: National Project Status: Started Project Source of Funding: EU Contribution Project Donor: EU Implementing partner: EPRD Consortium
[01-04-2005 - 01-09-2011] (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Short description: 1.1. The nature scope and extent of key supply side obstacles identified for key groups for use in defining activation measures
1.2. Consultative process undertaken with key experts as well as agency policy makers at state and entity levels in working groups to develop a final list of groups with estimates of costs for options for activation measures
2.1. Legislative and non legislative parameters determined to focus on key groups for whom activation measures can be started with soft law agreements in cohort with social partner private sector and others
2.2. List of activation measures requiring legislative or regulatory change drawn up and two laws drafted for two possible activation measures that show promise as “quick win” measures
3.1. Using the process adopted so far develop the necessary training and capacity building materials, programme and practices.
3.2. Consolidate a training framework and the requisite modules to embed in the state and entity level agencies to sustain the cycle of assessment, costing and evidence based policy making
3.3. Undertake the requisite training at state/entity/sub-entity level
4.1. Design the core promotion and communications strategy for the introduction and roll out of activation measures on a case by case or cross B&H basis, depending on costs and impact.
4.2. Identify the steps and coverage for the promotion and communication strategy and draw up a communications plan for implementation.
5.1. Deliver report on options for active labour market policies and activation measures as well as feedback to the EPPU on budgetary and fiscal implications of active labour market policies and implementation of activation measures. Institutionalize the consultative groups as appropriate into review or monitoring mechanisms. Identify at least two groups for future funding for high impact activation measures.