CPESSEC organises a wide
variety of projects. Here you find a short
description of our projectss.
CARDS 2003 “Decentralisation and Reorganisation of CES” Project Project type: Services Project Budget: 500,000 euros. Project location: Local Project Status: Finished Project Source of Funding: This project is funded by the European Union Project Donor: EU Implementing partner: Delegation of the EC to the Republic of Croatia, DIADIKASIA ,IMO, Abu Consult, CES
[25-04-2006 - 25-10-2007] (Croatia)
Short description: The purpose and objectives of the project were to reinforce the regional and local capacity of the CES by promoting skills, knowledge and experience necessary for decentralized operation of the CES, which would enable a more direct involvement in the local development needs and initiatives. The decentralization of the CES is part of the long-term strategy to be implemented after CES's business operations have been standardized and IT-supported.
Achieved results: The main parts of the project are:
Analysis of the current working methods and organizational structure of the CES,
Comparative analysis of the organizational structure of the CES and employment services of several EU countries,
Preparation of drafts of several key documents required for further reorganization of the CES (CES Code of Ethics and CES Strategic Plan 2007-2011),
Workshops for executives from the Central and all Regional Offices of the CES.
Due to its subject matter, the project demanded close cooperation with the Regional Offices. The following Regional Offices were selected for this purpose: Split, Varaždin, Rijeka and Zagreb.
This project produced added value for the CES in terms of comprehensive education and training of executives, primarily heads of Regional Offices and heads of divisions and departments of both the Central and Regional Offices. Furthermore, in cooperation with experts, mainly from the International Relations Institute, the employees of the Croatian Employment Service drew up drafts of valuable documents, which will form a good foundation for further initiatives concerning the enhancement of products and services of the CES as well as the overall development of the same. Another important added value for this project was a study visit where heads of Regional Offices and heads of Central Office divisions together with representatives of social partners were introduced to the labour systems of two EU Member States - Republic of Ireland and Great Britain.