European Employers Day 2018
Thematic Day
[10-12-2018 - 10-03-2019] (Slovenia)
Under the umbrella of European Skills Week and the PES Network initiative, Employment Service of Slovenia (ESS) organised European Employers Day which took place on 8th of November, 2018. Staff from Regional and Local Offices visited 151 employers and organised 47 different events, such as speed datings, mini job-fares, business breakfasts and round tables. 142 employers responded to our invitation and took part in these activities. The aim of visits and activities was to learn more about vacant and understaffed work places and to encourage employers to cooperate with the ESS in finding the best solutions for the skills shortages. We also tryed to pass the massage that every unemployed person has potential to learn new skills and to get a chance for - at least - a work trail. We provided detailed information on training programmes and other measures which could support the job integration of vulnerable job-seekers gorups.
Status: [C] CompletedResult: The feedback survey among employers showed very positive results: 95 % of employers found the visit of the ESS staff as very useful or useful, 71 % showed readiness to cooperate in on-the-job training programmes, 83 % of all employers expressed readiness to use the ESS job-mediation services and support.N/A