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CPESSEC organises a wide variety of projects. Here you find a short description of our projectss.


  Modernization of NES (Twinning project)
   Project type: Services      Project Budget: 1,500,000 euros.
   Project location: National     Project Status: Finished
   Project Source of Funding: donation
   Project Donor: EU
   Implementing partner: EAR German Federal Employment Agency (BA)

   [09-11-2007  -  09-11-2009] (Serbia)

  Short description: Overall objective: to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the NES through providing better services to all clients and support to labour market functioning Specific objectives: 1. Modernization and upgrading of complete structure, institutional capacities, management and performance of the NES; 2. Modernization of service providing; 3. Further development of competences of NES staff; 4. Modernization of IT and information system of the NES. Components: 1. Development of internal management and organizational capacities of the NES: - Development of Corporate Plan; - Introduction of Performance Management Model and Management by Objectives (MBO); - Support to the development of Quality Management System (QMS); - Development of initiatives in finances management; - Support to the development of Human Resources; - Support to the Centre for Projects and International Cooperation; - Support to the development of internal and external communication; - Support to the development of NES IT system; 2. Strengthening of orientation towards clients - development of operative process model; - development of services for job seekers; - development of services for employers; 3. Support to the further development of active labour market measures - support to the development of cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development (MoERD); - promotion of social dialogue – local employment councils; - support to the development of labour market information system; - support to the development of monitoring and evaluation system for active labour market measures. Expected results: - better internal management and organizational capacity of the NES through development of MBO system; better internal and external communication; further development of IT system; - orientation towards clients supported, in order to meet clients’ needs; more efficient implementation of active employment policy measures; - support to the development of active measures (enlarged scope and variety); - Performance Management Model and MBO implemented; - development of QMS supported; - development of HR Management System supported; - Corporate Plan of NES developed

  Achieved results: Following main outputs have been achieved: Corporate Plan for NES developed with business objectives defined and communicated with the NES management and staff Controlling reports developed to monitor the performance of the NES branch offices concerning the business objectives Client satisfaction surveys implemented to monitor the quality of services provided Financial reporting system upgraded to support the budget management in the NES 'Centre for education and personnel development' established for the further qualification of the NES staff Training given on the monitoring and evalutation of international projects Internal and external communication systems were enhanced IT strategy developed and partly already implemented in support of the NES (self) services Operational Process Model developed with suggestions on how to improve procedures in order to deliver more effective services to clients Intensive training given to employment counsellors on how to improve services towards job seekers and employers Assignment of a 'coordinator for external communication' in the NES Head Office in order to support the cooperation with the relevant ministry and other institutions Training given for the promotion of social dialogue on regional level in Local Employment Councils, to initiate and motivate the cooperation between all social partners on local level Clear improvements of the monthly and yearly statistical labour market reports were made They enable more transparency in the NES statistics. Complete set of tables worked out and tested for the monitoring of active labour market measures in order to support future decision making in employment policy.

Comment: The continuation of the CARDS 2004 Component – Modernization of NES (see Employment Support Programme)

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