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 About CPESSEC projects

CPESSEC organises a wide variety of projects. Here you find a short description of our projectss.


  CARDS - Technical Assistence to Support Employment Policy (phase III)
   Project type: Services
   Project location: National     Project Status: Started
   Project Source of Funding: European Union
   Project Donor: European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR)
   Implementing partner: ESA, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, social partners

   [05-11-2007  -  05-05-2009] (Macedonia)

  Short description: The 3rd phase of the project Technical Assistance to Support Employment Policy funded by the European Union and managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR) started on November 5, 2007 and lasts for 18 months. It is being implemented by the GVG (German Association for Social Security Policy and Research) in consortium with the Arbetsfoermedlingen (Swedish Public Employment Service). The GVG and Swedish PES expert team builds the project on the commitment of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the (MoLSP) to further develop employment policy. A key factor for the project success is the further strengthening of the partnerships with ministries on national level, the Employment Service Agency (ESA), social partners as well with the regional and local stakeholders. The overall aim of the project is to assist the Government for accession to the EU. The project focuses on the following objectives: Overall objective To prepare the country for embracing the employment policy orientations resulting from the European Employment Strategy (EES) and the Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs Specific objective To continue to strengthen the capacity of all relevant institutions and actors to effectively implement, monitor and evaluate the objectives and targets laid down in the National Employment Strategy 2010 and the National Action Plan for Employment 2006 - 2008 In order to achieve these objectives, international expertise are brought in and combined with the existing national expertise. The project builds on the results of the Employment Policy II Project and it includes numerous activities related to designing, monitoring and evaluation of employment policies, developing service provision for job seekers and employers, developing active labour market programmes as well as strengthening communication strategies and publicity measures. The assistance by the project includes institutional assessments and staff training within MoLSP, ESA, and the social partners, support in preparation of local employment plans, further development of skills needs assessments among employers as well as assistance in building up communication strategies and instruments.

  Achieved results: On going

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